The perfect complement to physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and other wellness specialties, the Nadi Ball Method offers your clients an easy-to-use and affordable means of reducing pain, increasing mobility, enhancing athletic performance, and boosting overall well-being.
The Nadi Ball Method is a guided strengthening and stretching technique that massages the muscles and fascia throughout the body. Unlike other methods that rely on foam rollers, we use body-friendly Nadi Balls™, which are uniquely pliable and responsive, melting into even the hardest-to-reach places. The balls can be used specifically for the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, back, and other areas of the body for targeted benefit.
The way the partnership works is simple:
You recommend the Nadi Ball Method subscription to your clients as appropriate for their wellness goals.
We provide you with a "prescription pad" to use in recommending the Nadi Ball Method to your clients. The pad features a unique registration code for your business, offering your clients a discount off the purchase of a Nadi Ball™ combo pack and the first month of their Nadi Ball Method subscription.
When clients sign up using your registration code, you share in the revenue for as long as they maintain their subscription.
We take care of everything else! We are 100% responsible for all subscription management and administration. You're free to cancel your partnership with us at any time. We are committed to keeping you as a partner in one simple way: by adding real value to you and your clients.
The Nadi Ball Method subscription gives your clients unlimited access to online Nadi Ball Method livestream classes, one-on-one consultations, and a high-quality video library. Learn more here.
If you're ready to get the ball rolling on a partnership or have questions about the partnership program, please contact me via the form below or email me at to set up a phone call. I look forward to partnering with you!
Schedule a quick consultation call with me to get started!
Ready to partner?
"Nadi Balls are effective for just about everybody. What I like about Nadi Ball is it reaches the areas that you might not be able to reach."

-Dr. Hirad Bagy
Founder, United Wellness
Team Chiropractor for the
Washington Football Team,
Washington Nationals, and
DC United