At Nadi Ball, we are firm believers in the power of myofascial release to provide physical, emotional, and mental restoration. In fact, we are so committed to fascia-based bodywork that we developed an entire method, the Nadi Ball Method, to support a more holistic and dynamic approach to wellbeing.
However, we didn’t get this far on our own. The Nadi Ball Method is based on years of rigorous scientific research conducted by the industry’s leading professionals. Below, take a look at four notable professionals who are leading the way in fascia research. Their impressive bodies of work can help guide you further in your Nadi Ball journey.
Four Key Players in Fascia Research
Thomas Myers
Thomas Myers is the founder of Anatomy Trains. He is one of the leading experts in fascia research, and he has been in the bodywork profession for over 40 years. Myers was trained under the American biochemist, Ida Rolf, who developed the deep, fascial bodywork method of Rolfing Structural Integration, otherwise known as Rolfing.
Building on Rolf’s teachings on fascia, Myers dedicated himself to mapping out and systematizing the fascial connections in the body. His work was initially published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies; however, his mapping proved to be so popular amongst his peers that he soon wrote an entire book on myofascial pathways. His book, entitled Anatomy Trains, has multiple editions and has been translated into ten languages. His myofascial research is also reinforced with video programs, self-study courses, webinars, and training classes.
Gil Hedley
Gil Hedley has nearly 30 years of experience studying and teaching courses on the human body with a focus on Integral Anatomy. Integral Anatomy, as Hedley explains, “looks beyond ‘regions’ to explore and appreciate the whole body continuities and relationships of the textural layers.”
Drawing on this expertise, Hedley has served as a keynote speaker at the World Fascia Conference, the British Fascia Conference, the Embodiment Conference, the Fascia Hub, and more. He also developed Hands-On Human Dissection Workshops, which include professional CE-level courses about fascial connections in the body.
To learn more about Gil’s research, click here.
Helene Langevin
Helene Langevin is the Director of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health. Prior to this role, she was also Professor in Residence of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; and she was the Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
Langevin is an esteemed researcher of fascia, and she was recently a keynote speaker at the 6th International Fascia Research Congress. She has also spoken with the Academy of Clinical Massage on “Fascia & Pain: What We Know,” as well as with the Osher Collaborative as part of Conversations That Matter. Finally, Langevin has authored multiple academic research papers, such as “Fascia Mobility, Proprioception, and Myofascial Pain” (2021), published in the Life journal.
Dana Sterling
Dana Sterling is the founder of Sterling Structural Therapy, which is a fascia-based therapeutic method based on current research findings. Sterling holds a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, an associate’s degree in pure and applied science, and multiple certifications in advanced therapeutic movement modalities. Along with trainings and practices as part of her work with Sterling Structural Therapy, Sterling has also presented on “Fascia & the Mystery of Chronic Pain” for the Life 360 Health and Wellness Summit 2018. This talk provides clear insight into fascia as a web throughout the body, and it is an invaluable resource to those looking to begin their journey into healing.
We hope this post provides gateways into current research on myofascial release. For more information or resources, please feel free to reach out to us here. We would love to speak with you.
Photo by Alan Calvert on Unsplash